
Showing posts from October, 2018

3 Colorful and Bright Calla Lily Wedding Bouquet Ideas

Being immensely beautiful, gorgeous and versatile (in terms of shapes, sizes, and colors), the flower easily lend themselves to scintillating and breathtaking wedding flower arrangements for all sorts of wedding décor details and that too irrespective of the theme, color palette, style, season or even the venue of the event. The flowers which symbolize beauty and magnificence in their true sense come in a variety of colors and the most popular ones include; orange, pink, red and white. The word calla is derived from a Greek word which actually means beauty and they are no doubt breathtakingly beautiful for all sorts of wedding décor details right from the centerpieces and bouquets to corsages and boutonnieres. The flowers could perfectly hold their own in standalone arrangements or even mixed with various other wedding accents to make the perfect statement for the big day décor. It is believed that the trumpet-shaped blossoms originated from the drops of milk of Goddess Hera t

How to Make the Best DIY Wedding Bouquets Flower Arrangements?

Nobody knows the exact history behind the tradition of brides carrying wedding bouquets for the ceremony. While some believe it was a medium to ward off evil spirits, diseases, or bad smells others think it was used for good luck and charm. When it comes to contemporary wedding ceremonies, they have become more of a style statement and a representation of the bride’s personality or even the things or special meanings that she wants to be conveyed. The wedding bouquets are the highlight of any wedding ceremony and one of the focal points of the big day that sure gets all the attention and this is the reason a lot of hard work and thought procedure is put into making the wedding bouquet flower arrangements no less than breathtaking and swoon-worthy. With the advent of the DIY trend, a lot of brides go for making their own wedding flowers so as to give them a personal touch and bring more special meaning for the arrangements.       Are you too getting married in a few months a

Enchanting calla Lily Wedding Floawer Ideas

The word calla is derived from a Greek word which translates to beauty and the flowers are quite breathtakingly beautiful, to say the least. Calla lilies are extensively incorporated in all sorts of wedding décor and flower arrangements and that too irrespective of the theme, color palette, season or even the venue of the event. The flowers which symbolize beauty and magnificence could easily be used in standalone arrangements or even mixed with various other wedding accents to make a perfect statement for all sorts of wedding décor details.   They come in a variety of shades and the most popular colors include; white, pink, red and orange. The flowers also represent purity faith and gratitude in some references and could easily make eye-popping visuals for centerpieces and bouquets effortlessly all year-round. Believed to be originated from the drops of milk of Goddess Hera that landed on the earth; the trumpet-shaped blossoms could easily be the showstopper element in your

Peach Rose Centerpiece Ideas and Arrangements

Roses are fragrant , beautiful and have always been a mainstay when it comes to marking the special occasions of our life right from baby showers and marriages to mother’s day and Valentine’s Day celebrations. The flowers have amazing versatility in terms of shapes, sizes, and colors to blend in with all sort of décor and arrangements and that too in an affordable budget for the most part. There are hundreds of varieties of the flowers and the best part is that most of these varieties are available throughout the year to help couples welcome their guests through gorgeous and scintillating wedding flower arrangements. They symbolize love, passion, desire, and romance and could easily be used to create eye-popping visuals for all sorts of wedding décor and flower arrangements right from the centerpieces, corsages, and bouquets to ceremony arches, boutonnieres and aisle décor. Each shade of the flowers represents different feelings and representation and could easily bring more

Branch Wedding Centerpiece Ideas

A lot of couples like to improvise and use some creativity in terms of wedding décor and flower arrangements of the big day instead of choosing more traditional arrangements. Right from the modern DIY wedding blogs and Pinterest pins, to bridal magazines and other platforms; there are enough pointers available at each and every level for people to come with their own wedding flower arrangements without much prior knowledge and experience. It is always good and refreshing to see some innovation and improvisation in terms of the wedding flower arrangements and using braches is surely one of the easiest ways to do it. You could easily use them to bring some freshness aboard for the wedding décor and flower arrangements and give a much-needed break to traditional stuff. They are easy to maintain, eco-friendly, durable, inexpensive and give extensive options to work with in terms of wedding décor details and that too in an affordable budget. Braches possess an incredible versatili

Making a Beautiful Black and Blue Tulip Centerpiece

Tulip flowers make you feel glad and at home and that the spring has arrived. Easily one of the most beautiful and fascinating wedding petals out there; they are usually at their best from mid-march to May. They represent elegance, joy, and spring and could easily be used to make a statement in terms of beautiful bridal bouquets and centerpieces for all sorts of wedding themes and styles. The flowers are such a relief to the sore eyes and that too especially after the cold and uncomforting winter winds and weather. It is almost safe to say that the blossoms are one of the very first harbingers of the spring season and are featured extensively in all sorts of wedding décor and floral arrangements to make a statement. The versatility (in terms of shapes, sizes, and colors) and the natural beauty of the petals make them a perfect spectacle to observe in terms of all sorts of wedding décor and floral arrangements. You could anything right from the pastel ones that might be

4 Classic Flowers for a Bridal Bouquet

Bridal bouquets are the most prized possession of brides when it comes to the ceremony. It is something that gets all the attention other than yourself and the dress. People kind of look up to wedding bouquet arrangements to get inspired and see something sensational and what makes them more imperative is that they also represent a part of the bride or her personality. These reasons make it almost mandatory that nothing short of extraordinary is generally expected in terms of the flowers or flower arrangements for the wedding bouquet . Usually, real flowers are preferred over the artificial ones but there is no strict rule or convention when it comes to bridal bouquets. Choosing the wedding bouquet flowers arrangements depend upon a lot of factors right from seasonality, affordability, dress, body structure to shape, color palette, dress, theme, and a few others. Making sure that the final arrangement complements the couple’s wedding attire and overall wedding décor, theme a

Blue Prom Themes with Wholesale Flowers

When it comes to celebrations and wedding themes, the smallest details could easily make the biggest differences. And one of those celebrations could easily be weddings or proms and the details – corsages, and boutonnieres. Although these floral pieces (especially boutonnieres) used to have a much serious purposes (warding off evil spirits, diseases, and bad smells) when they were first introduced for wearing, but with time they’ve essentially become a fashion statement or accessory to accent the outfit or even something to match and complement the date’s corsage or the color of her dress. Although the meanings and purposes of using boutonnieres have changed, the tradition is the same. If you want some fresh ideas as to how to go about selecting the boutonnieres and making a statement out of it – here are a few ideas for inspiration: Boutonnieres ideas:      Say you’ve decided on blue boutonniere and corsage combo for the prom, and it looks good too but it never hur

Wholesale Wedding Garland Ideas

While there are still some people who consider garlands as a holiday décor entity and do not consider them for weddings, a majority of couples have started to use them in all sorts of unique and innovative ways in wedding décor and flower arrangements. Driven by the go-green, minimalistic and DIY trends, the wholesale wedding garlands have been trending in a big way for all sorts of wedding themes, styles, décor, color palettes, venues, seasons and flower arrangements. The biggest plus of using garlands in wedding décor and flower arrangements is the versatility (in terms of shapes, sizes, and colors) and the number of options that are on offer and that too without that expensive price tag associated with most wedding décor elements. While they look great when combined with big wedding blossoms like roses and peonies in wedding décor details, they are quite a spectacle when paired with greens and nonfloral elements as well. The greens such as; seeded eucalyptus, ruscus , silv

Making Some Cool Centerpieces with Branches

Flowers have been serving as a long-time tradition when it comes to wedding décor and arrangements but a little bit of twist here and there is always good to serve as the x-factor for the big day. And branches could easily do just that for you. Although wedding décor trends have always been fickle and ever-changing, branches are doing the rounds pretty well from a last few years in the circles. The biggest advantage of using branches in the wedding décor and flower arrangements is the versatility that is on offer. There are all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors to do the bidding and that too in an affordable budget. Right from the birches to forsythia; there is no shortage of varieties or even inspiration in the segment to make attention-seeking and beautiful wedding décor arrangements for the big day. They could easily be used in all seasons of the year to hang ornaments, flowers, glitters, cards, ribbons or even various other things to showcase creativity and innovatio

Quick Guide to Prepare Wedding Flowers

Flowers form an integral part of the weddings and they are quite imperative in setting the perfect tone for the décor and arrangements to follow the suite. But since there are so many varieties and so many different kinds of floral arrangements on offer, it could easily clutter your mind and make you confused and that too before you know it. While traditional arrangements like bouquets and centerpieces are always on the priority list, there are all sorts of new flower arrangement trends that could lend a unique value to your décor and the whole ambiance of the ceremony. But how to incorporate those trends and prepare the perfect assortment of wedding flowers for the ceremony? Well here are a few pointers on just that:   The trends: Although the flower trends keep on changing, the traditional blossoms never go out of style. There are various wedding flower trends that are doing the rounds recently like; the one that involves making a tower of floral decorated cupcakes for

Making a Beautiful Tulip Bridal Bouquet

Tulips are one of those essential spring blossoms that you should certainly make space for in your wedding ceremony and floral arrangements. The pretty layered petals are at their best from mid-march to May. Some people do tend to overlook and typecast them as the pastel varieties that bloom generally in gardens but the flowers have many varieties that can make gorgeous wedding flower arrangements on your big day. The fringed tulips, parrot tulips, Rembrandt tulips, and double tulips are some of the most fascinating tulip varieties that can be seen as statement blossoms and get featured in all sorts of wedding décor and floral arrangements in a large way. The t ulip flowers possess an untamed versatility in terms of shapes, sizes, and colors and this gives them a universal acceptance in all sorts of wedding themes, décor, color palettes, season and wedding styles. The flowers are available in every shade that you could possibly imagine and if even that is not enough for you; t