4 Classic Flowers for a Bridal Bouquet

Bridal bouquets are the most prized possession of brides when it comes to the ceremony. It is something that gets all the attention other than yourself and the dress. People kind of look up to wedding bouquet arrangements to get inspired and see something sensational and what makes them more imperative is that they also represent a part of the bride or her personality. These reasons make it almost mandatory that nothing short of extraordinary is generally expected in terms of the flowers or flower arrangements for the wedding bouquet. Usually, real flowers are preferred over the artificial ones but there is no strict rule or convention when it comes to bridal bouquets.

Choosing the wedding bouquet flowers arrangements depend upon a lot of factors right from seasonality, affordability, dress, body structure to shape, color palette, dress, theme, and a few others. Making sure that the final arrangement complements the couple’s wedding attire and overall wedding décor, theme and color palette is essential for making it all look cohesive for the big day ceremony.

Are you getting married in a few months and need some help with choosing the bridal flowers for the big day bouquet arrangements? Well, we have the perfect solutions for you – here is a list of most popular bridal flowers for your wedding bouquets arrangements for your inspiration:

Baby’s breath:
The stunning clouds like petals are one of the most sought-after wedding accents for filling up all sorts of flower arrangements right from bridal bouquets and centerpieces to corsages and ceremony décor.  The flowers are easily one of the bride’s favorites when it comes to the day of walking the aisle and could be used in standalone arrangements or even as an assortment alongside various other wedding flowers. The petals which are both graceful and delicate, symbolize innocence, refinement, and purity in their true sense for the special day.

It’d be almost safe to say that gardenias are the most traditional bridal flowers that have been successfully passed onto generations after generations by families and could even be termed as the flowers ‘straight out of grandmother’s kitchen’. The flowers are preferred by brides and the whole bridal party in their flower crowns and bouquet arrangements because of the intoxicating fragrance and waxy or luxurious petals. They symbolize joy, purity, and innocence in their true sense when it comes to comes to the most wedding arrangements and décor.

The flowers which possess fresh and fruity scent (citrus-like) are one of the most popular flowers for wedding bouquet flower arrangements. The native-African petals symbolize innocence, friendship, trust, sweetness, and thoughtfulness in their true sense and possess the amazing versatility to grace all sorts of wedding arrangements and décor right from cakes and desserts décor to arch décor for the special day.

Hydrangeas are essentially two bridal bouquets in themselves and no wonder, they are loved by brides all over the world so much. The full-bodied, tall and imposing petals symbolize honesty, heartfelt emotions, gratitude, perseverance and understanding in their true sense and since the blossoms are both versatile and inexpensive; they serve as quite a fascinating addition to any bridal bouquet arrangement 

Some other bridal flowers that look good in wedding bouquets arrangements include; lilies, lilacs, peonies, roses, tulips, and anemones. They not only make the brides feel special but even exude magnificence and charm throughout their stay in various other floral arrangements.

Have any better suggestions for best flowers for bridal bouquet arrangements? Please share with us

Wondering where to buy the best bridal bouquets and centerpieces online for the wedding, visit: wholeblossoms.com


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