Making a Beautiful Tulip Bridal Bouquet

Tulips are one of those essential spring blossoms that you should certainly make space for in your wedding ceremony and floral arrangements. The pretty layered petals are at their best from mid-march to May. Some people do tend to overlook and typecast them as the pastel varieties that bloom generally in gardens but the flowers have many varieties that can make gorgeous wedding flower arrangements on your big day. The fringed tulips, parrot tulips, Rembrandt tulips, and double tulips are some of the most fascinating tulip varieties that can be seen as statement blossoms and get featured in all sorts of wedding décor and floral arrangements in a large way.

The tulip flowers possess an untamed versatility in terms of shapes, sizes, and colors and this gives them a universal acceptance in all sorts of wedding themes, décor, color palettes, season and wedding styles. The flowers are available in every shade that you could possibly imagine and if even that is not enough for you; there are those bi-colored varieties as well.

Are you getting married in a few months and need some serious tulip bouquet inspirations for the big day décor? Well, we have the perfect guide for you:

The bold and vibrant:
A bold and vibrant combination for a bridal bouquet features tulips, peonies, ranunculus, protea, and greenery in order to make the perfect statement for a garden or spring nuptials.

The pink and red bouquet:
The pink and red hues of peonies, garden roses, ranunculus, tulips, anemones, and eucalyptus are quite a delight to watch in a bridal bouquet combination.

The modern bouquet:
A modern wedding bouquet comprises of; protea, garden roses, tulips, and hypericum berries to make a perfect statement for the wedding ceremony.

The perfect pink:
A tulip bridal bouquet with the perfect pink blossoms of fringed tulips alongside some greens can be a perfect element to add to a spring wedding affair.

Tulip flowers can easily be paired with all sorts of wedding blossoms to create magnificent floral arrangements for the big day. They can also easily pose as standalone arrangements for your wedding décor. Try using them with peonies, garden roses and a few other similar looking wedding accents for maximum effect.

Have any better ideas or suggestions for tulip wedding bouquets for the big day? What do you think about black tulips? Please share with us

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