
Showing posts from August, 2018

Fresh And Beautiful White Hydrangea Bridal Bouquets Holding Wedding Flowers

Hydrangeas have a reputation for easily filling up great spaces and this alone qualifies them for prepping and holding up all sorts of bridal and even other kinds of wedding bouquets in the special décor. The flowers that have a signature bulky head with blowsy petals are available in all possible shades and that too in an affordable budget for the most part of the year. Originally from Japan, the flowers grace the wedding décor and floral arrangements right from bridal bouquets and centerpieces to corsages and boutonnieres of people all over the world. The flowers are at their best from early-spring to late-autumn and need a lot of water to survive in any condition. The flowers are loved by brides for their texture, looks, colors, and volume. Because they can fill up spaces quite easily and are available in plenty of colors, they are allowed to take liberties with other accents and that too in a way that it complements the whole look easily. If you’re due to get married pretty s

Fall wedding bouquets that with inspiring colors for indoors and outdoors

Autumn is arguably one of the most romantic and fascinating seasons of the year and a lot of people end up deciding to exchange their vows in the period. The vibrant colors and enchanting weather can pretty easily cast a spell on even the most unromantic and mundane realities of our daily lives. With the arrival of autumn, the wedding industry is coloring itself with new hopes and possibilities. People are breaking all sorts of rules in the department of wedding décor and floral arrangements. While the reds, yellows, oranges, and purple always get the nod in autumn; chrysanthemum, anemones, and asters are given the job to blend in with berries, fruits, and leaves to make fall wedding arrangements. The trends are changing and the arrangements are evolving just about every other day. If you have a wedding approaching this fall, you would not want to be left behind in terms of the latest trends and floral arrangements that are going to be totally game-changing. If you’re looking f

Choosing a Wedding Bouquet: How to Pick Your Perfect Bridal Flowers

The real history of bridal bouquet so as to why brides actually started carrying them on the wedding day is unknown but there are certain beliefs right from a way to ward off bad spirits to good luck charm, to even positive energy carrier. Whatever be the real case, brides just love to have them around and to not feel fidgety and nervous with rather something to hold in their hands (than nothing) while they walk down the aisle. Being a bride is not easy and you have a lot of things on your mind and one of these things is exactly how to choose  bridal flowers for the bouquet  that is going to be the center of attraction on that special day. It gets a little easy if you have the prior experience with flowers and weddings or your best friend is a florist but if this is not the case; you’re simply going to need all the help you can get to do the job and come up with the right bridal bouquet for the wedding day. But the question is how to get started? Well, do not worry as we have the p

Bridal Bouquets Fit for a Royal Wedding

Looking for inspired wedding flowers and bouquets collection online or even seeking expert advice on choosing the best accents. Visit Whole Blossoms and get the help you need. A fitting tribute to royal bridal bouquets Bridal bouquets  are a quite a tradition that has been carried forward over many years till it finally embedded itself in the roots of wedding ceremonies and rituals all over the world. Every bride wants to feel good, look like a princess and walk the aisle with a bouquet that is beautiful and personalized to make it all the more special. While, every woman want to marry a prince and have a royal wedding, a very few actually get to leave their dream. But what gets interesting here is, if one dares to look beyond the norms of perfume, expensive engagement rings, attire and nail polishes of the royal bride, there is a chance to find similarities and connections in  wedding bouquets  that make them as simple and conventional as normal brides. For instance, almost

Wedding décor tips with hydrangea flower

Hydrangeas are perfect wedding flower central. They alone create volumes and awash look.  Purplehydrangea  along with other flowers add great texture and they effectively show up the value of the other flowers in an arrangement. Binding roses and tulips may cost more but with hydrangeas, it is easy to have them all arranged and still not increase in price. You can make these big flowers a part of your big day in style. A  blue hydrangea  flower arranged with white roses make the most efficient and elegant bouquet for the brides on trend. When you are having a beach wedding or a formal wedding, hydrangeas can make your wedding simply beautiful. You will have some handy wedding décor ideas with hydrangea.   Hydrangea Wreaths   You can get wholesale hydrangea flowers and make wreaths out of it to place it in groom and bride’s chairs or you can also create smaller wreaths for guests chairs as well. Wreaths can be of any shape with blue hydrangea matching the color of the wedding them

Blue Lily Of The Valley: A perfect fit for urban style wedding décor

Urban style weddings are perfect for the bride and groom who love the cityscape. An urban wedding is easy to pull off. An urban/retro setting is an aesthetic derived from a rustic country wedding. You'll need to make it minimalistic and modern for which you'll want to make sure that you've chosen the right décor. The right décor would consist of flowers that are sturdy, simplistic and elegant. Blue lily of the valley can help you pull this look off perfectly. They come in a range of colors from beautiful blue hues to pastel pinks and purple which makes it a dream for wedding décor. How to use Blue lily of the valleyto uplift an urban wedding décor Urban weddings generally take place in venues like old warehouses or chic city soirée halls. Whatever your venue is, to bring out the urban décor theme it’s important to make sure you’re using contemporary and stylish flowers instead of the ones you would traditionally use. Make sure to find out the season of your wed

Unique Wedding Décor Ideas

As to why and how have succulents become so trendy is really a mystery. But they have and we can definitely see why. They look modern, different and are easy to keep. People don’t just keep them potted in houses. Succulents have been gaining popularity in weddings too. They are used to make bridal bouquets to wedding altars. Words don’t do justice to how beautiful and adoring these arrangements look. The fun fact is that any setting and themed wedding can easily incorporate succulents. But they look best at outdoor weddings that opt for a different and unique décor. They can be made into a more rustic arrangement too if that's what you're looking for. Float bridal bouquets made out of succulents capture that charm perfectly. You can buy succulents online and make sure you have an on-trend and theme wedding décor. Bulk succulents are a great choice for saving up your budget too.   Succulents bridal bouquets and boutonnieres Succulents come in various shapes, size

Old school classics and still not boring – blooming décor for your special day

Roses are popular flowers. The symbolic meanings are clear and in abundance with their varying colors. We love roses, and rightly so. They are cheap, come in a plethora of colors and are available all year round. What's not to love? They hold such symbolic meanings that having them at your wedding is enchanting and romantic. So if you're a bride to be whose style is vintage romance and glamour then roses are for you. Roses can be incorporated in many ways. Even fresh rose petals can be used in your wedding décor. We’ve come up with a few ways on how you can incorporate roses and rose petals in your wedding décor for the perfect old-school charm and glamorous vibe.   Rose petals for your wedding aisle This is a classic way to get your aisle looking all pretty. But there is nothing better than walking through a sea of rose petals in your wedding dress. In fact, it's a dream for a lot of people. The soft rose petals make a perfect décor for your wedding aisle. Al


We are sure you have noticed that bulk flowers are an integral part of any ceremony and reception. They create the mood, accentuate your style and bring a room to life. And there’s a lot of options where you will use them on you special occasions. Let us at Whole Blossoms give you a hand with your floral decorations. Some examples of where you will need your wholesale flowers:  Bridal Bouquet: One of the most important thing for the brides is usually the bridal bouquet. These bouquets can be as simple as grabbing a few flowers together and securing them with twine or a ribbon to designing more elaborate, professional arrangements.  Flower Petals: Loose petals are often carried in a basket by the flower girl, who sprinkles them down the aisle in preparation for the bride. But nowadays you can find petals almost everywhere; this is a romantic and beautiful way to decorate.  Centerpieces: When designing table decorations, wholesale flowers are almost always included because of


Every season has its magic, and having a wedding can be amazing regardless if it’s hot, war, or cold outside, but we can’t deny that summer is probably the most popular season to get married, the weather is perfect for beach and outdoor weddings, and you can find a lot of wholesale flowers to make it even more special, always at  Whole Blossoms. You can enjoy summer without worrying about your wedding decoration, you just need to have a little knowledge, a little help and a lot of inspiration to make your dreams true on your big day. It doesn’t matter if you are doing it by yourself or if you count with an expert, you just have to be yourself, let your imagination flies and start planning that special day. When you decide to get married on summer, it may be because of the clear skies and warm sunny days here everyone is happy and wants to enjoy the weather. The romance is on the air and you can take advantage of that environment of happiness and love. Why not getting married on

Power Up The Décor: Add More Flowers To The Décor

The wedding season is here, and we cannot contain our excitement to watch two beautiful people walk down the aisle with their loved ones. Weddings bring out the joy and excitement of people. Everyone is in a happy and jolly mood. When two people who love each other unconditionally get a chance to spend the rest of their lives together, it definitely calls for a celebration. Now, what better than fresh flowers could be used to symbolize joy and prosperity? This is why flowers are the highlights of any wedding décor. For your wedding, opt for wholesale fresh flowers. They are glamorous and are essentials for wedding photography. Hence, it is important that you chose them carefully. Flowers for theme Flowers give the whole wedding its essence. Flowers can be used to give meaning to the theme of your wedding. For instance, for a bohemian wedding, one can use orchids and other tropical or exotic flowers. For a romantic theme, roses are perfect! Being the king of flowers, rose