Choosing a Wedding Bouquet: How to Pick Your Perfect Bridal Flowers

The real history of bridal bouquet so as to why brides actually started carrying them on the wedding day is unknown but there are certain beliefs right from a way to ward off bad spirits to good luck charm, to even positive energy carrier. Whatever be the real case, brides just love to have them around and to not feel fidgety and nervous with rather something to hold in their hands (than nothing) while they walk down the aisle.

Being a bride is not easy and you have a lot of things on your mind and one of these things is exactly how to choose bridal flowers for the bouquet that is going to be the center of attraction on that special day. It gets a little easy if you have the prior experience with flowers and weddings or your best friend is a florist but if this is not the case; you’re simply going to need all the help you can get to do the job and come up with the right bridal bouquet for the wedding day.
But the question is how to get started? Well, do not worry as we have the perfect guide you’re going to need to help make the decision:


You must choose a bouquet that compliments your height, weight, and figure. If you’re petite then going in with a bridal bouquet that is tall and covering is not going to do you any good. The rule is that it should never overpower or cover up the bride. So a round and a small bouquet can just be the thing for petite and short brides. But if your mind still insists on a cascade bouquet then you can trim down the stems and rather have yourself a shorter version of the same (teardrop bouquet).
While the more tall brides can perfectly go with bridal bouquets that are full of volume and tall floral arrangements without having to worry about being overpowered by them. The same thing holds true for brides with full-bodied figures. They can easily flaunt bouquets and floral arrangements of large sizes while the leaner counterparts should stick with more narrow arrangements in terms of wedding bouquets.

Also do consider the weight of the bouquet before the actual event as if you cannot actually carry the thing then what is the use of that elaborate and bulky thing, anyway?


The bouquet and flowers should always complement your dress and not the other way around. You’d rather not have a bouquet that takes away all the attention from your dress and you or even a bridal bouquet that does not get noticed at all. A middle way is perfect.

If your wedding dress is going to be elaborate go with simple floral arrangements so that it does not get in the way and on the other hand if you’re going in with a rather simple attire, prefer a traditional bouquet or even a minimalistic style (single flower).

 If you’re going to be a ball-gown princess, elongated bouquets are going to score you some really good points while you’ll do better if you carry a round bouquet with a straight skirt.

This sums up the perfect guide that can save you from making big blunders in terms of bridal flower bouquets on that special day. The other factors that you should also consider include; seasonality (choosing accents that are in season) and a reliable service provider (for fresh accents).

Have I missed something that you can add to the list? Feel free to peak in and share.

For the best collection of white bridal bouquets for the wedding, visit us Whole Blossoms sites.


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