Old school classics and still not boring – blooming décor for your special day

Roses are popular flowers. The symbolic meanings are clear and in abundance with their varying colors. We love roses, and rightly so. They are cheap, come in a plethora of colors and are available all year round. What's not to love? They hold such symbolic meanings that having them at your wedding is enchanting and romantic. So if you're a bride to be whose style is vintage romance and glamour then roses are for you. Roses can be incorporated in many ways. Even fresh rose petals can be used in your wedding décor. We’ve come up with a few ways on how you can incorporate roses and rose petals in your wedding décor for the perfect old-school charm and glamorous vibe. 

Rose petals for your wedding aisle
This is a classic way to get your aisle looking all pretty. But there is nothing better than walking through a sea of rose petals in your wedding dress. In fact, it's a dream for a lot of people. The soft rose petals make a perfect décor for your wedding aisle. All you have to do for this simple yet brilliant décor is buy wholesale rose petals in bulk. Then have fun placing them in various shapes or designed along the wedding aisle.

Bridal and bridesmaids bouquets
Peonies with garden roses have become a very popular choice for brides who are looking for a rustic and vintage bouquet. Since the garden rose petals are large and flow they give out a very vintage vibe, especially when paired with peonies. For a more modern bride, a compact rose bouquet is perfect too. Nothing can go wrong with a bouquet full of beloved flowers. It will be easier to make and hold as well. Your bridesmaids could hold the smaller versions of the same.

Flower girl
The long-standing tradition of flower girls come from the superstition that they can ward off all the negativity before the bride. An amazing tradition turned into a fun part of weddings. Little girls who become the flower girls at your wedding are generally given something to do with their hands. They can be asked to carry a basket full of fresh rose petals which they can scatter around the aisle before you enter. This is the easiest and the neatest flower to use for the flower girls entry. Rose petals are also a classic choice for the bride and groom exit ceremony. Hand rose petals to your relatives and friends to shower you with when you leave the ceremony instead of sprinklers that can spoil your clothes.

Rose petals and roses are a classic choice and they have been working very well for years now. Adding charm and romance to your wedding it’s a great option. Find them in wholesale from online stores like whole blossoms. They guarantee fresh flower delivery and can provide you with bulk flowers that will cost you far less.


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