How to Use a Prom Corsage

Prom is one of the most treasured night by every teenage. It is at this night that the teenagers dress up to feel like adults. The night come with many traditions and among them is the prom corsage. A corsage is a flower or a bunch of flowers worn by women. Traditionally the corsage was worn to keep evil spirits at bay or to attract good luck. Today, corsages are worn as a fashion rather than a charm for keeping away evils or attracting luck. The following can help in giving your date a memorable prom night.

·         Presenting a corsage

After finding the best corsage, the next thing to do is understanding how to give it to your date. The right time to present your corsage is when you first meet your date. Show your date the corsage and ask her whether she would like to put it on.

·         The wrist corsage

The wrist corsage is one of the simplest to put on. The corsage is usually put on the left hand since most people are right-handed. Simply slide the corsage and straighten the flower on the top of the wrist.

·         Pin-on corsages

The pin corsages is similar to the men’s’ boutonniere and are mostly used for wedding anniversaries and recognizing important woman. They require special skills to put them on. Hold the pi corsage using your right hand and place it against the dress of your date using your left hand just below the collar-bone. Lift a small amount of clothes on your date using the left hand and stich from inside to the outside taking care not to injure the date. Fasten the corsage fast and secure on the dress of your date.

You can buy corsage from Whole Blossoms and enjoy their discounted rates and enjoy your prom night in style. For more information on corsage
 visit Whole Blossoms and learn from the best.


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