Easy steps to take care of Bells of Ireland

The Shell flowers, popularly known as Bells of Ireland, are actually from Turkey. Their symbolysm of luck from their bell shape and the fresh green color have made them popular as the Bells of Ireland. They are equally popular for St Patrick's Day bouqets, as they are for the wedding day arrangemens and the flower experts love them for their logevity and easy availability.

This flower represents luck, so consider yourself lucky when you receive a Bells of Irelend bouqet next time! Once you have received it, it can be used in a vase to enhance the looks of your home for next few days. However, it requires special care. Here's how you can take good care of your Bells of Ireland flowers.

Step 1: Carefully remove the packaging from the bouqet.

Step 2: Remove the excess foliage.

Step 3: Cutting the stems. This part is a little tricky. Two things need to be taken care here:

1.      Always cut the stems under water to avoid air bubbles blocking the water absorption.
2.      Cut them at an angle. This helps the stems absorb water easily.

Step 4 : Use warm water and add a bit of floral preservative in the vase. Warm water is easily absorbed by the stems as compared to the cold water.

Step 5: Change the water and preservative mix every couple of days. Bacterias are formed in the water and it makes the flowers wilt faster.

Step 6: Every time you change the water, trim the stems by inch or a half, again, at an angle and under water.

Step 7: Keep your vase in cool temperature, away from direct sunlight and heat.

Step 8: Keep an eye for spent leaves. Keep removing them timely to make your Bells of Ireland look nice and fresh.

For the best Bells of Ireland throughout the year, get in touch with us. We, at Whole Blossoms, take utmost care in picking, packing and shipping them at your doorstep.


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