Wedding Planning with Bridal Bouquets

The bridal bouquet is the first thing that the ensemble of guests will notice about you and this is why you should never compromise on the most prized possession of brides (of course after your husband) in wedding ceremonies. There is a lot of thought and hard work goes around in planning the perfect wedding bouquets for the special day. You have to take into consideration, the factors of season, theme, color palette, attire, wedding style, and even budget before choosing the bridal flowers to make the cut for the arrangement.

There are more than hundreds of floral varieties and that too with extensive versatility in terms of shapes, sizes, and colors and this makes it quite a difficult proposition to come up with the perfect bridal bouquet combination that complements not just the overall theme and wedding décor but even the attire and other floral arrangements of the ceremony as well.

Are you getting confused and need a little advice on how to plan your wedding bouquets for the wedding better? Well here are a few pointers for that:

The vision:
Ask yourself what kind of look you really want to achieve for the special day bouquet? You can work on it and develop a vision. Look up images of bridal bouquets on the internet or even read bridal magazines and refer to whatever source you can to develop a basic understanding of what are you’re looking for exactly in a bridal bouquet?

The seasonality:
Considering seasonality is a key factor in choosing bridal flowers and the overall floral arrangements for the whole bridal look. The in-season flowers are not only budget-friendly but will also look fresh and even last longer than nonseasonal ones.

The shape:
Cascading or composite, Long or short, Tightly packed or free flowing? These are a few questions in terms of the shapes of the wedding bouquets that you must answer in order to make a decision. The shapes of the bouquet must complement your body structure and even other floral arrangements of the ceremony.

The weight:
Certain shapes and blossoms like a dome of roses are heavier than the others and this should always be considered before making a decision in terms of the bridal bouquet. Remember, you’re going to have to hold it for the most part of the day and you would not want to opt for a bouquet that is too heavy for your liking.

The dress:
If you’re wearing chiffon or lace attire then you’d prefer a fully bound bridal bouquet arrangement to prevent the stems from coming out and causing any damage to the dress. The special day bouquets should always complement the textures and colors of the bridal and even the groom’s attire.

Get your favorite flowers on board and do not hesitate to improvise, it is your big day after all and so you should retain the rights to make a choice in the end.

How did you plan for your bridal bouquet arrangements? Please share with us

For the best collection of bridal bouquets, corsages and wedding bouquets, visit:


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