Characteristics of Heliconia Bridal Bouquet

Tropical flowers put together the picture of love, romance, balmy evenings and relaxing holidays and even making them natural choices for wedding ceremonies and even receptions. Starting from the delicate and fragrant blooms of frangipanis to the vivid colors and striking shapes of ginger and heliconia and classic elegance of orchids, well these are the flowers and foliage for exotic tastes and for creating bouquets and fresh wedding garlands. 
If you are searching something tropical with sculptural quality well, nothing can beat heliconia. The brightly colored waxy brats grow perfectly in contrast to each other making it look adventurous yet stunning. Heliconia is also known as hanging lobster claw as its stems are quite long. They are used in making bouquets as well as wedding garlands.

Ideas For Using Heliconia In Bridal Bouquet :
The first one would be a heliconia trailing boutique. Well, this is something very different where you can create your own stunning design with beautiful flowers and experiment with colors and varies. You can even go for a tropical bridal bouquet with heliconia, ginger, roses, greenery. If you are someone who is planning a beach wedding and looking for something fresh and tropical try this one definitely. Another something extraordinary would be Hawaii bridal bouquet or rainbow bridal bouquet where you can use yellow sea orchids, rainbow heliconia, palm fern and many other options are there to choose from.
If you want something more classy to go for orange heliconias, red and pink ginger lilies wrapped with an orange ribbon. Create your own color combination and recreate your favorite look as per your choice.
Fresh wedding garlands are definitely a part of the Indian wedding and now even foreigners are setting a trend by using wedding garlands.  You can customize your own kind of garlands and look stunning on your big day.
Go for designer garlands that are available at Whole Blossoms. Choose and pick two identical designer garlands or different garlands or you can customize your own one.  Bulk flower garlands are available online and in the market. Before buying you need to research and check out the websites for the best ones.


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